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Proofig AI Image Integrity Challenge: Detailed Explanations

 Western Blot Manipulation answer explained

Which of these Western blot bands (A, B, C, or D) has been manipulated or altered?

answer to a question about manipulation in western blots

Proofig AI flagged Band B in this Western blot as having a potential integrity issue due to a band deletion. This type of manipulation is subtle and often difficult to detect with the naked eye. The system’s automatic detection highlights such issues, prompting users to apply advanced forensics tools for further investigation.
In this example, the top image shows the original Western blot, while the bottom image, processed with the Histogram Equalization filter, makes the deleted band clearly visible. The filter enhances the contrast, making it easier to see the missing band and providing crucial evidence of manipulation.

Microscopy Manipulation answer explained

Is this microscopy image manipulated?

answer to a question about manipulation in microscopy

Proofig AI detected a potential issue in this microscopy image, flagging it for further investigation. After applying the HSV color map filter, the cloned and pasted components become much clearer. The original image is displayed at the top, and the enhanced version is shown below, with the manipulated areas highlighted for easier identification. This forensic tool, applied after the initial detection, helps the user to confirm and visualize the manipulation, ensuring the integrity of scientific data.

Microscopy Duplication- partial overlap answer explained

Is this microscopy image manipulated?

answer to a question about manipulation and reuse in microscopy

Proofig AI identified a partial overlap between microscopy images A and C, automatically flagging these areas for further review. In the first image, the red rectangles highlight where the system detected the overlapping sections between the two images.

In the
second image, Proofig AI has aligned A and C side by side, making it easier to visually compare the regions of duplication. For further analysis, we applied the Jet color map filter in the third image, which highlights the duplicated sections more clearly. Users can apply other color maps provided by Proofig AI, depending on their preference, to enhance the visibility of overlapping areas.

Western Blot Duplication-  answer explained

How many duplications can you find in this figure containing 6 Western blots?

answer to a question about reuse in western blots

In the first image, Proofig AI flagged the duplications by marking the relevant areas in red. In the first duplication, a part of Band E was taken, scaled, and rotated to form Band A. In the second duplication, Bands D and F were found to be exact duplicates, with Band F being flipped to match Band D.

In the
second image, Proofig AI has aligned Bands A and E side by side, making the manipulation clearer by showing how part of Band E was scaled and rotated to create Band A.

In the
third image, Proofig AI's advance forensics tool - the Emboss filter has been applied to the aligned bands to further enhance the comparison. This filter emphasizes the details, making it easier to confirm that part of Band E was manipulated to match Band A.

In the
fourth image, Proofig AI has aligned Bands D and F, where Band F was flipped to exactly match Band D. The alignment clearly shows the duplication between the two bands.

FACS Duplication-  answer explained

Is there a duplication in these FACS images?

answer to a question about reuse in FACS image

In this set of FACS images, Proofig AI identified a partial overlap between two images, as shown in the first image, where the overlapping areas are marked in red. The overlap, which can be difficult to detect manually, is clearly visible thanks to Proofig AI’s automated analysis.

In the second image, the system highlights the duplicated regions between the two FACS images. To further enhance the visualization, the
HSV color map is applied in the third image, making the overlapping sections even more distinguishable.

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